Jobs for New Brighton

At present, of the five companies that have signed up to Marine Point, we have met with The Light Cinema and will be meeting Travelodge within the next few weeks and will be starting the recruitment for both companies late March.
We have contacted Cappuccinos and they will be starting their recruitment either June or July and we are waiting to here from Morrisons and Starbucks to discuss their recruitment requirements.
The only company that has confirmed staff numbers required to date is Morrisons with approximately three hundred vacancies.
As more companies sign up to the development we will be contacting them to offer our services.
The vacancies for the companies that we are working with will be advertised through Wallasey Jobcentre Plus.

Lynne Crosbie Recruitment Advisor | Jobcentre Plus | CSD | Dominick House | St Albans Road | Wallasey, Merseyside| CH44 5XY  | 0151 802 8480 | 8480 |

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